Get A Personalized Quote

We provide a healthcare solution consisting of direct care memberships.  Specific pricing is based on DPC choice and the information you provide below pertaining to Medical Cost Sharing.


Who will be using the membership?

Individual – Member Only
Member & Spouse
One-Parent Family
Couple & Child(ren)

What is the age of the oldest Member?

Are there any tobacco users?

Initial Unshareable Amount (IUA) level?

(The IUA is how much you pay towards each medical need. The IUA is similar to health insurance deductibles in that it’s the amount you owe before the community picks up the cost.)

We offer preferred pricing by always combining a Direct Primary Care (DPC) membership with Medical Cost Sharing (MCS).

You have the choice of a Local DPC practice membership or a Virtual DPC membership. DPC memberships vary in pricing based on the number of people using the membership, their ages, and the services provided.

Our healthcare solution is not available in NM, PA, CA, VT, or WA.

Please complete the Quote Request form to receive your quote. Thank You!


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