Welcome to Beacon Health Benefits
Where Informed & Engaged Consumers Take Control of Their Healthcare Costs.
Healthcare Redefined: Putting Your Health First
Today, the healthcare industry is broken. Insurance stands between patients and doctors, and what used to be transparent and straightforward is now confusing, complicated, and unnecessarily expensive. It doesn’t have to be this way!
We believe the best care happens when third-party payers are removed from the equation and patients are free to access care without worrying about networks. We also believe there is a better way to align the interests of healthcare providers and people needing health services.
We offer innovative non-insurance solutions that address the skyrocketing costs of health insurance while improving access to quality health services. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and putting healthcare first. Join us in our passion to change the status quo!
“If you are finding your healthcare costs unaffordable, try a new approach. It might be the future.”
– Doug McConoughey, Beacon Health Benefits President